Masks of Hope

The WE ARE RESILIENCE: Masks of Hope Project explores the social and emotional health of our military-connected youth while introducing young artists to color, design, and expression. The first iteration of the WE ARE RESILIENCE: Masks of Hope Project, designed and facilitated by Kids Rank, launched in early 2020 and has grown into a traveling exhibition, educational arts catalog for partner schools and community organizations servicing military-connected youth, as well as a new nationally available curriculum kit to aid in the research and advocacy of the mental health of our military children.
The Masks of Hope arts curriculum gives opportunity for military children to develop technical arts skills in creating expressive 3D masks and to recognize and embrace their own individual and community resiliencies. The Masks of Hope arts curriculum kit, available in partnership with Kids Rank, can be adapted from a 4-week, half day, or responsive workshop based on our partners needs.
The ready-to-use research, reflection, and response materials are included giving ideas for exhibition, display, and celebration of our military youth. Kids Rank is an organization that works to empower military children through leadership, connection, and service, and the WE ARE RESILIENCE: Masks of Hope Project is an extension of the power of finding hope through the darkness.

For more information on how to get involved in this project email: masksofhope@kidsrank.org
Thank You to our Supporters: